CG数据库 >> Parted Magic 2019.12.24

一款知名的,功能强大的完整的磁盘工具箱。它是一款基于硬盘的引导光盘的Linux工作包的实用程序,能够帮助您执行分区各种操作,并支持大量的文件系统,支持从U盘或者CD直接开机,可以对磁盘进行分区以及数据恢复操作,支持固态硬盘 SSD。Parted Magic 2019包含了许多工具,如:磁盘分区(支持众多主流系统格式)、检测磁盘、系统引导、文件管理等,其集成了图形界面,使用起来不是很困难,您可以重新调整大小,复制和移动分区。您可以增长或缩小C:驱动器。为新操作系统创建空间。尝试从丢失的分区中抢救数据等。

File size: 802 MB

Parted Magic - a package of utilities for working with hard drive-based bootable CD Linux. Allows you to perform various operations on partitions and supports a large number of file systems. Parted Magic - partition manager based on Linux, working with the LiveCD, USB-drives or over a local network. Supported by any data operations - move, delete, restore, cloning partitions, etc. Besides, Parted Magic allows you to configure the operating system, as well as access the Internet using the included dristributiv browser Firefox. Parted Magic supports file systems ext2, ext3, ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs +, jfs, linux-swap, ntfs, reiserfs, reiser4, xfs.


- Format internal and external hard drives;

- Move, copy, create, delete, expansion and contraction of partitions on the hard disk;

- Cloning hard drives to create a full backup;

- Verification of hard disks and diagnostics;

- To check the memory for bad sectors;

- Benchmark your computer to assess its level of work;

- Delete all data on the hard disk without the possibility of recovery;

- Provides access to the hard disk when not zagruzayutsya systems, is saving important data;

- Boot from CD / USB memory, then can work without CD / USB;

- Supports network connections.

The composition of Parted Magic includes the following programs:

- GParted - partition editor;

- Partition Image - a tool for working with disk images;

- TestDisk - Tool for restoring boot records;

- Fdisk, sfdisk - partition table editor;

- Dosfstools - A utility for creating and verifying the integrity of the partition FAT;

- Ntfsprogs - tools for working with NTFS.


Parted Magic 2019.12.24的图片1

发布日期: 2019-12-25