Title: Rigging and Animating in Adobe Animate
Rig and animate 2D characters using symbols, Motion Tweening and layer parenting!
What you'll learn
Successfully rig and animate a full character using Layer Parenting, Symbols and Motion Tweening
Basic understanding of the tools, Properties Inspector, Library and Timeline in Animate CC
A subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud for access to Animate CC
Animate CC, previously known as Flash, is one of the most well known programs for animation. And with the ability to parent layers, create templates with symbols and save reusable actions, character animation has never been easier! If you're looking to get a jump start with animating characters in Animate CC, than this course is for you!
More specifically, in this course you will learn how to:
Properly set up a character for Animate CC
Create symbols for head turn, eye and mouth animations
Properly place symbol origin points for proper limb motions
Parent layers for easier animation (a NEW feature introduced in Animate CC 2019)
Animate a jump animation with Motion Tweening
Lip sync with the Frame Picker
Polish and correct animations
Export animations with Adobe Media Encoder
Who this course is for?
Students looking to animate 2D cartoon characters
Students looking to learn about the new Layer Parenting feature
Students looking for a crash course in Animate CC animation
发布日期: 2019-12-26