CG数据库 >> Expedition 11.0.15 MAX

English | File size: 85.8 MB

Expedition has been created as a navigational tool for yacht races. It provides a large set of features that can help finding the best path in the waters in order to make the most of the weather and the vessel’s capabilities.

Clear-cut, appealing interface

Installing the application is not complicated and following the brief instructions on the screen is enough for smooth sailing till the operation completes.

Features :

Chart-plotter that seamlessly selects, moasaics and rotates charts

Advanced weather display and tools

Simply the best weather routing available

Start display and advanced buoy racing functions

Instrument connectivity with all popular instrument systems

Whats new:

Time-on-time table,

Updated What-if? window,

Various performance, interface & reliability updates.

Expedition 11.0.15 MAX的图片1

发布日期: 2020-05-20