CG数据库 >> midas DShop 2019 version 1.1

midas DShop 2019 version 1.1 | 277.1 mb

The MIDAS product team has presented midas DShop 2019 version 1.1. This software empowers engineers to streamline the design process to quickly generate engineering drawings.

midas DShop

empowers engineers to streamline the design process to quickly generate engineering drawings. It imports models complete with analysis & design results from midas Gen and automatically generates structural drawings. midas DShop features a drawing generation module & a drawing edit module, which enables engineers to analyze and modify design results to reflect the intent of their designs. The software incorporates engineering experience to provide drawings of high quality.

midas DShop empowers engineers tostreamline the design process all the wayto generating engineering drawings.

midas DShop imports models completewith analysis & design results from midas Gen and automatically generatesstructural drawings.

midas DShop features the Drawing Generation Module & the Drawing Edit Module, which enable engineers toanalyze and modify design results toreflect their design intent.midas DShop incorporates the advancedknowledge and engineering experience togenerate drawings of high quality.

Introduction to Dshop : Auto-Drafting Module for midas Gen


MIDAS develops and distributes engineering software and provides total solution service for civil and mechanical engineering and construction. We hold the world's top technology in the core engineering analysis fields such as computer graphics simulation, advanced analysis and optimal design. MIDAS Family Programs have been applied to all the engineering and industrial applications for the safety and economic feasibility analysis and they holds the largest market share in the world's construction field. MIDAS has the vision to grow as the global engineering solution developer and distributor. MIDAS will continuously devote itself to create the standard technology of the world.

MIDAS IT has accomplished impracticable tasks, overcoming the difficult environment of the CAE industry in Korea. By using engineering simulation technology based on our own techniques through high-tech graphics, we have been developing as the biggest company that offers CAE software solution to the world.


midas DShop


2019 version 1.1

Supported Architectures:




System Requirements:

PC *

Supported Operating Systems:



277.1 mb

midas DShop 2019 version 1.1的图片1
midas DShop 2019 version 1.1的图片2

发布日期: 2020-02-11