CG数据库 >> GIFExplainer 1.2

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GIFExplainer is a tool that helps you to create promotional, educational and tech support GIFs that you can share over every channel. GIFs generated by GIFExplainer are animated step-by-step guides/presentations in GIF format. Each slide may contain screenshot, a diagram and rich formatted text.

Explainers that are easy to create and share

No need for an expensive animation tool that has a time-consuming authoring process and steep lurning curve. Create explainers for your projects quickly and easily.

Simplify tech support

Step-by-step guides are probably the best way to provide answers to tech support inquiries. However they are not easy to share or send over email. GIFs solve this issue. Create tech support answers in GIF format and send/share everywehere!


The only proper way to deliver information to your students is to use a medium that they are accustomed to. GIFs allow you to access any information delivery medium available nowdays.

Generate PDF

Do not need animation or GIFs are not acceptable? No problem! Create PDF with your slides. Or export all slides as images to a folder and create tech support album on Facebook or an Instagram post.

Facebook? Instagram???

You can also export slide images to a folder and then upload to, say, Facebook album, dedicated to the matter that you want to explain to your audience.

Just the tools you need

Capture screenshots, add callouts and rich text, choose slide animations - that's it.

Reasonable Creativity

Minimalistic expression methods lead to the most impressive art.

GIFExplainer 1.2的图片1

发布日期: 2020-03-12