Title: Bundles – RY Alison Bundle (Daz Studio or Poser)
Product Details:
Brand: DAZ 3D
Compatible Figures: Genesis 8 Female
Meet RY Alison, the tough and beautiful new female character based on Victoria 8. RY Alison adds a ton of extra realism to your scenes with high quality features such as photo-realistic skin, 3D mesh eyebrows, custom HD morphs and many options for changing her style with makeups. She's perfect for your action and sci-fi scenes and is ready to render when you need her! This bundle includes the character and a perfectly matching hairstyle with a huge texture expansion. The action-packed "Surrounding Curls Hair" comes with a curly back part and lots of movement, wind and styling options. This hairstyle perfectly fits your Genesis 3 and 8 Female(s) in many kinds of action, space, and fantasy scenes, but also transforms to a cute style for your everyday renders, and the Texture Expansion means you can make it any color or style you want to.
发布日期: 2020-03-05