MaxDepth – Houdini Particle Advection with Pyro
Today we will be covering Particle Advection using Pyro in Houdini.
To kick things off we will break down the essentials of Pyro in Houdini, covering topics such as dissipation, disturbance, shredding, and grid resolution, with a little bit of gas turbulence thrown in for good measure.
Once we’re happy with our Pyro sim, I’ll show you how to set up your POP network, and how to use our Pyro sim to Advect the particles as well as how to use POP Forces to manipulate them.
To close things out we’ll talk about the Lighting, Shading, and Rendering of our particles, giving us a silky smooth finished look that will knock your socks off.
发布日期: 2020-03-17