CG数据库 >> SQL Delta for SQL Server

一款便捷的数据库对比工具,可进行表结构、存储过程、函数、视图等属性对比,且可生产SQL脚本,可帮助您快速找到现有的数据库项目与过去数据库的异同点,并可使您的产品数据库与所开发的数据库完全同步,以此可减少因同步数据库而进行负责工作的时间。同时与其他同类型的软件相比,Sql Delta 最大的优点在于在您使用程序进行对比和同步功能的过程中,可为您目前的项目创建一个供测试使用的数据库,并可批量的转移你的数据。总之,在这里所有的所有的SQL Delta Duo(二重)比较工具都可以以图表和数据的形式来对两个数据库进行比较。正如名字所表达的那样, SQL Delta for SQL Server (SDSS)可以用于比较两个SQL Server数据库,SQL Delta能够生成一个同步脚本,使得目标数据库能够与源数据库保持一致。

File size: 68 MB

Compare and Sync Schema and Data for SQL Server databases.

Recent New Features:

Added support for SQL Server 2019 and support for ongoing SQL Azure changes

Improved dependency analysis when generating scripts.

Improved handling of various new data types.

Schema compare shows new icon when a table must be rebuilt or has auto mapped columns

New difference alert for schema compare of temporal tables

New bulk loading of existing SQL Delta projects

New compare options such as ignore encryption key details or varchar/nvarchar

Schema view has a new feature to drop and create replication subscriptions to allow changes to published databases

Whats New:

Fixed issue with recreate table script not including some columns due to data type mismatch

Improved alerts display

Improved Trusted Assembly scripting

Fixed FullText index to support neutral (0x0) language resource

Fixed incorrect scripting for some cases of updating table with timestamp

Fixed scripting default not including constraint name in some cases

SQL Delta for SQL Server的图片1

发布日期: 2020-08-08