WiFi Password Dump是免费的命令行工具,可快速的找到系统中存储的所有WIFI无线账号和密码。
WiFi Password Dump v2.0 + portable | 2/1.4 Mb
WiFi Password Dump is a useful command-line tool to quickly recover all the Wireless account passwords stored on your system.It automatically recovers all type of Wireless Keys/Passwords (WEP/WPA/WPA2 etc) stored by Windows Wireless Configuration Manager.
For each recovered WiFi account, it displays following information
WiFi Name (SSID)
Security Settings (WEP-64/WEP-128/WPA2/AES/TKIP)
Password Type
Password in Hex format
Password in clear text
Being command-line tool makes it useful for penetration testers and forensic investigators. For GUI version check out the Wi-Fi Password Decryptor.
How to use?
WiFi Password Dump is very easy to use tool. It is command-line/console based tool, hence you have to launch it from the command prompt (cmd.exe) as Administrator.
Here is the simple usage information
Launch command-prompt (cmd.exe) on your system as Administrator.
In the cmd prompt move to directory where you have installed or copied WiFiPasswordDump tool
Now run the tool by just typing WiFiPasswordDump.exe
It will automatically discover and display all the recovered Wireless passwords as shown in screenshot below.
It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit platforms starting from Windows Vista to Windows 8.
Platform :
Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8
Version 2.0: 4th Feb 2014
New feature to save the recovered Wi-Fi password list to TEXT file
发布日期: 2014-02-06