R2020a 亮点概述
MATLAB Web 应用程序
将 MATLAB 应用程序和 Simulink 仿真作为基于浏览器的 Web 应用程序共享
Simulink Compiler
将仿真作为独立的可执行程序、Web 应用程序和功能样机单元 (FMU) 共享
使用全新的 Experiment Manager 应用程序,管理多个深度学习实验,跟踪训练参数,分析并比较结果和代码。
C/C++ 代码生成
MATLAB Coder: 从 MATLAB 类生成 C++ 类
Embedded Coder: 为具有基于消息通信的软件组合生成 C++ 代码
Fixed-Point Designer: 探索信号范围并使用数据类型优化以转换 Simulink 模型
使用 HERE HD Live Maps 中的道路数据创建驾驶场景;使用 AUTOSAR 自适应平台版本 19-03 生成代码;以及优化变速箱换挡策略。.............
x64 | File Size: 17.6 GB
Company MathWorks most complete software for computational computer produces; the main program the company that actually Passport is software MATLAB (short for Mat rix Lab Oratory and means lab Matrix) is one of the most advanced software, algorithms and math and a programming language developed generation fourth is possible to visualize and plot functions and data is provided. Icon and bookmark MATLAB with the manufacturer's logo is the same as the wave equation, L-shaped membrane and special functions have been extracted. MATLAB competitors such as Mathematica, Maple and Mathcad noted.
Facilities and software features MathWorks MATLAB:
-perform a variety of complex mathematical calculations and heavy
-Development environment for managing code, files, and data
-explore ways to achieve this solution
-A variety of mathematical functions for linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis, optimization, filtering, numerical integration and ...
-drawing two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics functions for visualizing data as
-Design and construction of user interfaces under the programming languages C ++, C or Java
-Ability to test and measure the exact functions and graphs
-the possibility of communication signal processing, image and video
-There are various Jbhabzarhay engineering companies for specific applications such as
telecommunications, control, fuzzy, estimates, statistics, data collection, simulation systems,
neural networks, probability and many more.
R2020a Product and Platform List
MATLAB 9.8 glnxa64
Simulink 10.1 glnxa64
5G Toolbox 2.0 glnxa64
AUTOSAR Blockset 2.2 glnxa64
Aerospace Blockset 4.3 glnxa64
Aerospace Toolbox 3.3 glnxa64
Antenna Toolbox 4.2 glnxa64
Audio Toolbox 2.2 glnxa64
Automated Driving Toolbox 3.1 glnxa64
Bioinformatics Toolbox 4.14 glnxa64
Communications Toolbox 7.3 glnxa64
Computer Vision Toolbox 9.2 glnxa64
Control System Toolbox 10.8 glnxa64
Curve Fitting Toolbox 3.5.11 glnxa64
DO Qualification Kit 3.9 glnxa64
DSP System Toolbox 9.10 glnxa64
Database Toolbox 9.2.1 glnxa64
Datafeed Toolbox 5.9.1 glnxa64
Deep Learning Toolbox 14.0 glnxa64
Econometrics Toolbox 5.4 glnxa64
Embedded Coder 7.4 glnxa64
Filter Design HDL Coder 3.1.7 glnxa64
Financial Instruments Toolbox 3.0 glnxa64
Financial Toolbox 5.15 glnxa64
Fixed-Point Designer 7.0 glnxa64
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 2.7 glnxa64
GPU Coder 1.5 glnxa64
Global Optimization Toolbox 4.3 glnxa64
HDL Coder 3.16 glnxa64
HDL Verifier 6.1 glnxa64
IEC Certification Kit 3.15 glnxa64
Image Acquisition Toolbox 6.2 glnxa64
Image Processing Toolbox 11.1 glnxa64
Instrument Control Toolbox 4.2 glnxa64
LTE Toolbox 3.3 glnxa64
MATLAB Coder 5.0 glnxa64
MATLAB Compiler 8.0 glnxa64
MATLAB Compiler SDK 6.8 glnxa64
MATLAB Parallel Server 7.2 glnxa64
MATLAB Production Server 4.3 glnxa64
MATLAB Report Generator 5.8 glnxa64
MATLAB Web App Server 1.0 glnxa64
Mapping Toolbox 4.10 glnxa64
Mixed-Signal Blockset 1.2 glnxa64
Model Predictive Control Toolbox 6.4 glnxa64
Motor Control Blockset 1.0 glnxa64
Navigation Toolbox 1.1 glnxa64
Optimization Toolbox 8.5 glnxa64
Parallel Computing Toolbox 7.2 glnxa64
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox 3.4 glnxa64
Phased Array System Toolbox 4.3 glnxa64
Polyspace Bug Finder 3.2 glnxa64
Polyspace Bug Finder Server 3.2 glnxa64
Polyspace Code Prover 10.2 glnxa64
Polyspace Code Prover Server 10.2 glnxa64
Powertrain Blockset1.7 glnxa64
Predictive Maintenance Toolbox2.2 glnxa64
RF Blockse 7.4 glnxa64
RF Toolbox 3.8 glnxa64
ROS Toolbox 1.1 glnxa64
Reinforcement Learning Toolbox 1.2 glnxa64
Risk Management Toolbox 1.7 glnxa64
Robotics System Toolbox 3.1 glnxa64
Robust Control Toolbo x6.8 glnxa64
Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox 1.3 glnxa64
SerDes Toolbox 1.2 glnxa64
Signal Processing Toolbox 8.4 glnxa64
SimBiology 5.10 glnxa64
SimEvents 5.8 glnxa64
Simscape 4.8 glnxa64
Simscape Driveline 3.1 glnxa64
Simscape Electrical 7.3 glnxa64
Simscape Fluids 3.0 glnxa64
Simscape Multibody 7.1 glnxa64
Simulink 3D Animation 9.0 glnxa64
Simulink Check 4.5 glnxa64
Simulink Code Inspector 3.6 glnxa64
Simulink Coder 9.3 glnxa64
Simulink Compiler 1.0 glnxa64
Simulink Control Design 5.5 glnxa64
Simulink Coverage 5.0 glnxa64
Simulink Design Optimization 3.8 glnxa64
Simulink Design Verifier 4.3 glnxa64
Simulink Desktop Real-Time 5.10
Simulink PLC Coder 3.2 glnxa64
Simulink Real-Time 6.12
Simulink Report Generator 5.8 glnxa64
Simulink Requirements1.5 glnxa64
Simulink Test 3.2 glnxa64
SoC Blockset 1.2 glnxa64
Stateflow 10.2 glnxa64
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox11.7 glnxa64
Symbolic Math Toolbox 8.5 glnxa64
System Composer 1.2 glnxa64
System Identification Toolbox 9.12 glnxa64
Text Analytics Toolbox 1.5 glnxa64
Trading Toolbox 3.6.1 glnxa64
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset 1.4 glnxa64
Vehicle Network Toolbox 4.4 glnxa64
Vision HDL Toolbox 2.1 glnxa64
WLAN Toolbox 3.0 glnxa64
Wavelet Toolbox 5.4 glnxa64
Wireless HDL Toolbox 2.0 glnxa64
发布日期: 2020-04-13