DiskInternals Partition Recovery 可以帮助您找回需要回复的数据或丢失的分区,比如损坏的,删除,丢失或重新格式化分区的数据;当你不小心删除了一个分区的图像文件或重要文件;当一 个磁盘载有价值的信息被损坏,由于系统故障或磁盘卷被损坏,由于一个危险的病毒,您的作业系统无法存取磁盘驱动器时,文件或文件夹被损坏等。这些问题是可 以解决的,因为该程序有一个内置的Partition Recovery,从而有效地解决所有这些问题。它的分区恢复向导, NTFS恢复向导。整个过程是自动的恢复。
DiskInternals Partition Recovery 支持多种文件系统,包括FAT12 ,FAT16 , FAT32, VFAT, NTFS, NTFS4 and NTFS5 .该工具为可恢复的数据扫描每一个磁盘扇区;因此,它从未错过任何可以得到恢复的数据。
File size: 63 MB
DiskInternals Partition Recovery is an advanced software tool, which is intended for all users, who need to recover some data or lost partitions. You deleted a file or your boot record, master boot record or partitions are damaged? You are at a loss for solutions here? This program will be a magic wand to make the whole situation go your way.
Native RAID and Dynamic Disk Support
Virtual Disk Images (VMware, VirtualBox, Microsoft VirtualPC, Parallels)
Forensic Disk Images (EnCase, ProDiscover)
Boot CD
FTP Export
Recovered files can be burned to CD or DVD!
Preview recoverable files before purchasing the product
Recover partitions and deleted files remotely over the network
Easy Recovery Wizard
Supported file systems: NTFS, NTFS 4, NTFS 5
Supported file systems: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, VFAT
Recovered files can be saved on any (including network) disks visible to the host operating system
Creates recovery snapshot files for logical drives. Such files can be processed like regular disks
Creates Virtual partitions. Such partitions can be processed like regular disks
Whats New
发布日期: 2020-06-05