CG数据库 >> Skillshare – Create A Retro Moped With Blender 2.8

Duration 2h 12m MP4

Title: Skillshare – Create A Retro Moped With Blender 2.8


Hello everybody and welcome to another Blender course. In this course, we are going to create a retro moped motor with blender 2.82. We are going to learn how easy it is to make day to day objects to cool 3D objects.

We will create a retro moped motor with all the details it has. We will start modeling with basic shapes and later on, we will continue with adding details for our model with basic tools and objects with Blender software.

Once we finish our modeling we will apply materials to our objects and prepare final render settings. For the lightning we will use hdr photos and you will see how powerful and simple it can be to get really good render.

So let me show you how easy and fun it is to make 3D models from day to day objects, that we can use for cool animations, artworks, games, and portfolios.

Skillshare – Create A Retro Moped With Blender 2.8的图片1

发布日期: 2020-06-06