CG数据库 >> Baker Hughes JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2017.2.584

Baker Hughes JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2017.2.584 | 575.2 mb

Baker Hughes have unveiled a new version of JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2017.2 software delivers subsurface intelligence and insight through a portfolio of applications focused on geological modeling, geomechanics, reservoir simulation and visualization to optimize field development plans and drive greater production.

JewelSuite GeoMechanics software

provides a proven workflow to help you optimize your well plans and define a safe operating window to maximize drilling performance, minimize drilling risk, and improve safety.

With the JewelSuite GeoMechanics software, you can quickly create accurate geomechanical models, reliably predict abnormal pressure incidents and analyze wellbore stability giving you greater insight to optimize the performance of your wells and reservoirs.

JewelSuite Geomechanics helps you determine proximity to a critical or failure state using stress, pore pressure, and rock mechanical properties on faults and fractures of varying geometry and orientation.

The modular design of JewelSuite Geomechanics offers the flexibility to use the modules as standalone tools or in combination for an advanced, integrated geomechanical workflow.

More than 35 percent of nonproductive time is caused by geomechanics-related events. JewelSuite Geomechanics creates unified and consistent geomechanical models to minimize uncertainty in your data, maximize confidence in your modeling results, and provide a more complete and precise picture of the earth's subsurface.

Baker Hughes

is an energy technology company that provides solutions to energy and industrial customers worldwide. Built on a century of experience and with operations in over 120 countries, our innovative technologies and services are taking energy forward – making it safer, cleaner and more efficient for people and the planet.


Baker Hughes JewelSuite GeoMechanics



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System Requirements:

PC *

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575.2 mb

Baker Hughes JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2017.2.584的图片1
Baker Hughes JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2017.2.584的图片2

发布日期: 2020-06-27