CG数据库 >> ArtStation Marketplace – CityKit: Sci-Fi Edition Part 5

ArtStation Marketplace – CityKit: Sci-Fi Edition Part 5 by Joost van Kempen

Part 5 of the best selling Citykit series, these are kitbash packages for creating sci-fi themed cities quickly to help you with your illustrations/matte paintings etc.

Part 5 has higher detailed polygroups of the high poly models, polygroups on the decimated models and an extra version with lights for the high poly models.

This kitbash set contains:

15 High poly models (.OBJ and .ZPR format)

15 Low poly models (.OBJ and ZPR format)

15 Decimated models (.OBJ format)

Polycount high poly models: +/- 7 million each

Polycount decimated models: +/- 55 k each

Polycount low poly models: +/- 2 k each

ArtStation Marketplace – CityKit: Sci-Fi Edition Part 5的图片1

发布日期: 2020-07-06