NUMECA发布了FINE/Open with OpenLabs 9.2,是一个功能强大的CFD流体集成环境,致力于复杂的内部和外部流体分析。
NUMECA FINE / Open with OpenLabs 9.2 | 2.8 Gb
NUMECA International is delighted to announce the official release new version of FINE/Open With OpenLabs is powerful CFD Flow integrated environment. Release 9.2 - is average 10% speed-up for all generated meshes with HEXPRESS/Hybrid.
The resolution of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) problems
involves three main steps:
- spatial discretization of the flow domain,
- flow computation,
- visualization of the results.
To perform these steps NUMECA has developed three software systems. The first software system, HEXPRESS, is an automated all-hexahedral unstructured grid generation system. HEXPRESS also includes a module HEXPRESS/Hybrid, which allows to mesh complex geometries with an isotropic hybrid mesh including mainly hexahedral cells with tetrahedral, pyramid and prism cells. The second software system, FINE/Open with OpenLabs, is a powerful CFD Flow Integrated Environment dedicated to complex internal and external flows. The third software system, CFView, is a highly interactive Computational Field Visualization system.
These three software systems have been integrated in a unique and user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI), called FINE/Open with OpenLabs, allowing the solution of complete simulations of 3D internal and external flows from the grid generation to visualization, without any file manipulation, through the concept of a project. Moreover, multi-tasking capabilities are incorporated, allowing the simultaneous treatment of multiple projects.
FINE/Open with OpenLabs fully integrates the concept of multitasking. This means that the user can manage a complete project in the FINE/Open GUI; making the grid using HEXPRESS, running the computation with the FINE/Open solver and visualizing the results with CFView. Furthermore, the user has the possibility to start, stop and control multiple computations.
418M multidomain mesh automatically generated in 4.5 hiyrs with HEXPRESS/Hybrid. Full multiphysics CHT coupling with FINE/Open radiation and heat exchanger macro model.
FINE/Open With OpenLabs
9.2 *
Supported Architectures:
System Requirements:
PC **
Supported Operating Systems:
2.8 Gb
* release info:
- FINE/Open with OpenLabs v9.2 is packaged with CFView v14.2
- FINE/Open with OpenLabs v9.2 is provided with HEXPRESS v9.2.
- HEXPRESS/Hybrid v9.2 is also included in the installation of FINE/Open with OpenLabs.
发布日期: 2020-07-06