OpenFlows CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Update 3 (build | 954.7 mb
The Hydraulics and Hydrology development team is pleased to announce the availability of CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Update 3 (version This release introduces improvements and features to help you be more successful.
CivilStorm CONNECT
is the first and only fully-dynamic, multi-platform (GIS, CAD, and Stand-Alone) sanitary and combined sewer modeling solution. With CivilStorm CONNECT, you will analyze all sanitary and combined sewersystem elements in one package and have the option of performing the analyses with the SWMM algorithm or our ownimplicit solution of the full Saint Venant equations.
Simply put, CivilStorm CONNECT offers the most comprehensive solution available for optimizing Best ManagementPractice (BMP) designs and meeting sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) and combined sewer overflow (CSO) regulations.
Bentley Systems, Incorporated
is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.
OpenFlows CivilStorm
CONNECT Edition Update 3 (version
Supported Architectures:
32bit / 64bit
System Requirements:
PC *
Supported Operating Systems:
954.7 mb
发布日期: 2020-07-10