CG数据库 >> MixWithTheMasters Inside The Track 11 Michael Brauer TUTORiAL-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 13 Jul 2020 | 702.4MB

Inside The Track #11 - MICHAEL BRAUER


Join us at the prestigious Electric Lady studios in New York to learn from iconic mixer Michael Brauer! In this series of 'Inside the Track', we look under the hood of the 2016 rock single 'This House Is Not for Sale' by Bon Jovi. Brauer auditions and comments on the high-quality rough mix provided by the producer and guitarist John Shanks, then discusses potential improvements. Using an SSL 9000 J Series console, he reveals his hybrid processing on drums, bass, guitars, piano, pads, and vocals, guides you through his 'ABCD' multi-buss template, and shows the parameters of his master chain. He also discusses pre-compression signal levels, automation moves, overall dynamics, artist requests, and more!

Part 1

Rough mix commentary, kick & snare 'punch' tracks, bass guitar split & ride, guitar & piano treatment

Part 2

Guitar solo processing & effects, vocal stem treatment, Jon Bon Jovi's mix comments, master levels

Part 3

Mix buss chain, compressor parameters, gain reduction, 'ABCD' multi-buss processing on and off

Part 4

Automation moves on guitars, drum rooms, pads & vocals, mix recap, improving a high-quality project

MixWithTheMasters Inside The Track 11 Michael Brauer TUTORiAL-DECiBEL的图片1

发布日期: 2020-07-13