3.2.2 | 3 Mb
Interpolation and Regression are fundamental and important calculations in mathematics. Mr. Newton and Mr. Gauss were engaged in-depth with numerical solutions for these problems. Today, there are improved algorithms, that can solve such tasks. InterReg allows you to do such complex calculations just with some point-and-click. So this program is not only for mathematics and engineers. The applications are many and reach from education over science to productive use in your company: in example a meaningful sales forecast can be done in minutes.
Over this, the software offers some other functionality to do curve sketching, integration and statistics as well.
• Loading and saving of projects
• Undo/Redo
• Recalculate
• Calculates with arbitrary precision.
• Easy graphical usage and state-of-the-art algorithms
- Without a complicated scripting language you are able to do some complex calculations with simple point-and-click.
- So this software targets both mathematicians and non-mathematicians
- Modern algorithms give exact results
- Comprehensive import functions import sampling points from many different formats and databases
• Interpolation
- Linear Interpolation
- Cubic Splines
- Akima Splines
• Regression
- Regression of arbitrary functions using:
- LBFGS algorithm (quasi-Newton operation)
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
• Curve Sketching
- Numerical derivations, zero crossings, extreme values, inflection points
- Crossings of two curves
- Tangents
• Integrals
- Integrals between the x-axis and between two curves:
- Romberg algorithm
- Simpson algorithm
• Statistics
- Arithmetic mean value
- Median
- Trend
- Correlation (Pearson and Spearman)
• Function Plotter
- Plotting of arbitrary function therms
• Other Features
- Cartesian coordinate system
- Optional date/time values on the abscissa
- Any number of graphs and value lists
- Printing
- Calculation and export of interpolated sample points
System Requirements
• XP / Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
• DotNet Framework 4.0+ (already installed on most computers)
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发布日期: 2014-02-25