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solidThinking Evolve 2014.3770 Win64的图片1作为一款工业设计软件,solidThinking 魅力非凡。它能够在最短时间内让设计师将更多的创意视觉化,并进行深入地探索,同时予以快速完整地评估。

依靠solidThinking强大的NURBS建模能力,最自然的图形化用户操作界面 (GUI)和高级ConstructionTree™技术,您可以快速捕获脑海中浮现出的最新概念或草图。或者可以用它渲染出令人惊叹的真实的3D产品效果图。并且能即时观看渲染效果,第一时间获取反馈。正因如此,solidThinking 将会大幅压缩您开发产品的进程,让您的概念以最快的速度最经济的方式进入人们的生活。另外,它可以同时运行于Windows 和Mac 操作系统, 最大化提升设计的自由度和灵活度,让您完美地表达设计理念。

如今,solidThinking正在吸引着全世界的目光。许多世界顶级品牌已成为我们的合作伙伴,如 Pininfarina, Italdesign Giugiaro, Bulgari, Panerai, Nikon, Korg, Toyota, Automotive Lighting, Nestle, Masterfoods, Azimut Yachts, Tisettanta, MacGregor Golf ,以及众多其它领域内的领跑者,他们用这款软件设计了大量优秀的产品。我们相信solidThinking 将会不断创造辉煌的前景。

solidThinking Evolve 2014.3770 Win64 | 638MB

solidThinking Evolve is a 3D design software for model creation on either Mac or PC. It helps you take your designs from drawing to rendering with the best blend of organic surface freedom and parametric solid control available for product design and architecture.

With the release of solidThinking Evolve 2014 we have introduced a new level of usability and efficiency. Model and render like never before with our class-leading new features. This webinar will demonstrate how designers using either a PC or Mac can develop forms faster than ever with solidThinking Evolve 2014.

发布日期: 2014-02-26