CG数据库 >> Batman Arkham Asilum Models

Batman Arkham Asilum Models的图片1

Batman Arkham Asilum Models

obj | mlt | 3D models | 649 MB

Batman Arkham Asilum models.

38 models, fully textured with diffuse, specular, normal/bump, transparency and illumination maps ( plus any other maps used for those objects )

Objects consist of, all the main characters, so thats..

Batman, Armoured Batman, Joker, Harleyquin, Bane

Poison ivy, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Venom joker

Venom Henchman, Venom Guard, Plus more….

Various equipment such as…

3 different Batarangs. Normal,controllable and sonic

The explosive gel gun

The Gel detonator

The grapple gun and the super bat-claw grapple gun

The grapple and super claw to go with it

The Bat Mobile and Bat Wing. Plus a few more.

发布日期: 2014-03-10