CG数据库 >> Passmark PerformanceTest 8.0 Build 1021 电脑性能测试程序

Passmark PerformanceTest 8.0 Build 1021 电脑性能测试程序的图片1

是一个专门用来测试你的电脑效能的性能测试程序。除了预设的四个基准电脑的比较数据外,在其网站中还提供其它知名电脑的性能测试数据,让你可以比较自己的电脑是否有达到其应有的水准。总共包含有22种独立的测试项目,其总共包含于六大类:浮点运算器测试、标准的2D图形性能测试、3D图形性能测试、磁盘文件的读取/写入及搜寻测试、内存测试以及CPU的MMX相容性测试。在这个程序中预设有四个基准电脑的标准测试数据,使用者可以自行挑选比较。另外,如果你是注册的版本,还可以到作者的网页中下载其它的Baseline computer的性能测试数据。文件非常的小,所以使用者可以将它存放于磁盘中;当您要购买某一部新电脑或二手电脑时,就可以以此为电脑性能的评判标准,再也不怕因为不懂电脑而被别人坑了。

Passmark PerformanceTest 8.0 Build 1021 | 24.3 Mb

Fast, easy to use, PC speed testing and benchmarking. PassMark PerformanceTest ™ allows you to objectively benchmark a PC using a variety of different speed tests and compare the results to other computers.

Twenty-eight standard benchmark tests are available in six test suites plus there are seven advanced testing windows for custom benchmarking.

Standard test suites

- CPU tests Mathematical operations, compression, encryption, SSE, 3DNow! instructions and more

- 2D graphics tests Drawing lines, bitmaps, fonts, text, and GUI elements

- 3D graphics tests Simple to complex DirectX 3D graphics and animations

- Disk tests Reading, writing and seeking within disk files

- Memory tests Allocating and accessing memory speed and efficiency

- CD / DVD test Test the speed of your CD or DVD drive

Advanced configurable tests

- Advanced Disk

- Advanced CD / DVD

- Advanced 3D graphics

- Advanced Networking (for Ethernet, Internet and Wireless)

- Advanced Memory

- Advanced Multi-tasking

- Advanced Visualized Physics

- Additional Features

The application includes the following additional features:

- Comprehensive online help

- Supports hyper-threading, and multiple CPUs testing

- Detailed disk speed graphs

- Supports printing results

- The ability to save your benchmark results to disk as a new baseline

- A customizable "Notes" field for storing your own information along with the saved Benchmark result.

- Support for copying the results to other applications (eg. MS-Word)

- Export results to HTML, text, GIF, and BMP formats

- Single test execution, execution of a test suite or execution of all tests with a single mouse click.

- A summary 'Mark' figure for each test suite plus the calculation of the PassMark Rating figure.

- An easy to use point and click interface

- A summary system information screen including CPU type, CPU speed, Total RAM, Video Hardware, Cluster size, etc..

- The ability to compare the performance of your computer to multiple 'Baseline' computers at the one time.

- Flexible license, move the software

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发布日期: 2013-06-14