CG数据库 >> MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 2014 Multilingual

MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 2014 Multilingual的图片1

MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 是一款功能齐全的音频应用软件,通过它,您可以将旧胶片或CD中的音乐翻制成数字格式。


当您第一次启动Magix Audio Cleaning,或许你会感到无从下手。 尤其在修整阶段,您会看到许多滑块、按钮和可选的设置。 Magix Audio Cleaning已经考虑到了这一点,所以它为没有丰富音频处理经验的用户提供了一个一键操作的向导,以及一些预置的音乐修整模板,从而大大简化了复杂的工作流程。 如此一来,一些存在于旧胶片或卡带上的典型噪声或嘶声即可被轻松去除。


Magic Audio Cleaning拯救您的胶片和卡带,使它们在数字时代获得新生。 虽然完全掌握它需要花一些功夫,但绝对是值得的。

MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 2014 Multilingual | 207 MB

The MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 2014 is designed for those who want to get in the shortest time the most from your sound. With a few clicks digitize, cut or optimize your audio material - and thanks to the clear user interface go even more demanding tasks easily by hand.

Your advantages


- NEW! Auto Mastering: Perfect sound after a few clicks

- NEW! Audio recordings of optimize smartphones

- Removes distortions such as Wind, rain, crackling, buzzing, city noise, traffic noise, etc.

- different preferences for sound optimization

- Track marker for dividing of long shots

- Automatic supplement album information

- Adjust volume levels

- Reduce clipping

- Sound effects or Add audio comments

- Simple import and export Audio Files

- Touch screen operation possible

- Quick access to audio files in the file manager

MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab 2014 Multilingual的图片2

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发布日期: 2014-03-16