RoboTask可以让你在电脑中自动完成任何任务组合, 如简单的运行应用程序, 检查邮件, 移动, 上传备份文件, 下载文件, 发送邮件等。该工具允许你容易的创建简单任务, 复杂的综合任务, 可以使用IF/ELSE 条件判断, 循环, 支持自定义变量和其它高级选项。内部支持 Basic 脚本。
RoboTask | 14.3 MB
RoboTask enables you to automate any combination of tasks on your computer, ranging from simply launching applications, to checking email, moving or backing up files to uploading or downloading, sending email and much more. The program allows to easily create simple task, as well as highly complex automations, involving conditional IF/ELSE statements, loops, custom variables and other advanced options.Just a few minutes with RoboTask will give you plenty of ideas of how you can increase your productivity.RoboTask can accommodate just about any type of simple or complex automation, without the need to create batch files or write complicated scripts, as it uses a visual interface that lets you simply select and combine action to fit your needs.
OS :
Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7/8 (x86/x64)
: English
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发布日期: 2017-05-25