excel文档转换工具,不需OFFICE即可独立运行,支持CSV, XML, HTM, TXT, SLK, WKS, DBF, Lotus格式文件的转换和反向转换。可以对工作表进行各种编辑已符合用户需要,可以通过COM/ActiveX接口或命令行调用。
SoftInterface Convert XLS 6.75 Multilingual | 6.1 Mb
Convert XLS is a simple to use, yet sophisticated Excel converter utility specifically designed for Excel, text and CSV (character/comma delimited) files. If you need to convert/manipulate one or thousands of files, located in one or many folders this is the tool! Conversions can be done 10-15 times faster without MS Excel.
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发布日期: 2013-06-18