CG数据库 >> Hardware Inspector 6.7.4

Hardware Inspector 6.7.4的图片1

Inspector是一款功能强大,通用的硬件设备管理软件,适用于企业IT部门管理者使用。Hardware Inspector可为所有设备建立数据库,库中包括设备型号、所属部门等等细节,还可以通过网络连接来查看设备使用状态。Hardware Inspector为IT部门提供非常便利、且十分有效的智能管理方案。它还兼容主流的硬件系统分析软件所输出的数据库,如: ASTRA, ASTRA32, EVEREST和AIDA32,这不仅极大减轻了IT管理人员的工作负荷,也使管理员能够快速、准确地解决办公地点任意区域内的电脑故障。

Hardware Inspector 6.x | 35.7 MB

Hardware Inspector is an indispensable IT asset management tool. The software has an extensive list of features most helpful for network administrators, IT department managers and other specialists. Planning, inventory, audit, asset transfer, retirement, reports, histories do not cover all features available with Hardware Inspector. Highly customizable and user friendly, it tracks each asset from purchase to retirement and provides handy reports on all management aspects of hardware and software imaginable. Hardware Inspector is unique to track the history of each asset.

Key features:

- From purchase to retirement inventory of every asset.

- Fully featured asset management (accounting and installation facts, various histories).

- Monitoring of software policy in organization.

- Easy inventory of network connections.

- Monitoring of changes in computer configuration (computer audit).

- Various data import options (system information reports by EVEREST, ASTRA and ASTRA32, CSV files)

- Close follow-up on service requests.

- Barcode inventory.

- Flexible data access permission.

- Powerful tools to search for devices, licences, expendables, prohibited software and much more.

- A large variety of customizable built-in report. Export to any format.

- Multiuser access to the single database on the network.

- One licence for any number of installations. (Find more in Licence agreement)

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发布日期: 2015-11-22