CG数据库 >> MeshFusion 1.03 for MODO 801 MacOSX

MeshFusion 1.03 for MODO 801 MacOSX的图片1

MeshFusion 由 Braid Art Labs基于前面GroBoto技术。这种革命性的新建模插件可用专门为MODO 开辟了一个新的世界,为艺术家和设计师创造性的可能性。



通过添加MeshFusion 工作流程,您将能够利用新的建模操作,会让你交互融合,加减对象创建持续高质量的细分表面(SDS)模型比以往更快、更有效。

MeshFusion 1.03 for MODO 801 MacOSX) | 28.6 Mb / 30 Mb

MeshFusion for MODO has been developed by Braid Art Labs based upon the previous GroBoto technology. This revolutionary new modeling plugin is available exclusively for MODO 701 and 801 and opens up a new world of creative possibilities for artists and designers. MeshFusion takes away the challenge of complex and frustrating boolean operations and makes the process of producing high quality models consistent and accurate.

New MeshFusion 103 features:

• Schematic Pie Menu - The Pie Menu (default key combo: Ctrl-f) is now context-sensitive with some handy Schematic Fusion Utilities when invoked in the • Schematic Viewport.

• Fusion SubDiv Controls - New Buttons in Fusion Item Properties Tab: 'Set Output SubDs to Current', 'Use Output SubDs', 'Use Working SubDs'. Simple switching between preferred final/output Fusion SubDiv levels and 1-level lower working SubDiv levels.

• Qbic Cleanup - New Button in More Fusion Form: 'Cleanup Qbic Materials'. Utility function — Cleans up clutter that accumulates from Qbic Mesh Asset imports.


- Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 / MacOSX 10.6 or Later (Intel Only) (x64)

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发布日期: 2014-04-28