UNFILTER 是一个实时插件,它可以移除滤波效果,比如梳状滤波,共鸣或过多的均衡,有效的自动线性化一个信号的频率响应。
UNFILTER 还可以应用一个侦测的滤波响应到其它信号,或将其导出到磁盘上作为一个脉冲响应文件(WAV),母带级的自适应性,自由形式以及图形均衡。用途包括移除房间共鸣、修正较差的麦克风制作的声音或音乐会录音,增强电影声音、广播、新闻以及辩论语音录音的可理解性,适应多个彼此混合的声音,自适应重新平衡混缩的音乐的频响,通用高分辨率自动均衡以及创造性的声音设计。
极高的 96dB/倍频程架式高通滤波器。
ZYNAPTIQ UNFILTER 1.2.1 (Win/Mac) | 53/87 MB
UNFILTER is a real-time plug-in that removes filtering effects, such as comb filtering, resonance, or excessive equalization effectively linearizing the frequency response of a signal automatically. UNFILTER can also apply a detected filter response to another signal, or export it to disk as an impulse response, and can even perform mastering grade adaptive, free-form, and graphic equalization. Whether you're in music production, film post, game audio, broadcast, sound design, forensics, or engineering UNFILTER makes time-consuming and often impossible tasks as effortless as adjusting one control.
On Windows
- Avid RTAS
- Avid AAX Native including AudioSuite (32/64bit)
- Steinberg VST 2.4 (32/64bit)
System Requirements Windows
- Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista or Windows 7
- CPU with at least 2 Cores
- Steinberg VST 2.4 or Avid RTAS/AAX compatible Host software
- For AAX Native 32-bit, the minimum required Pro Tools version is 10.3.5
- Internet Connection for Software Activation (though not necessarily on the computer used for audio)
On MacOS X
- Apple AudioUnits (32/64bit)
- Avid RTAS
- Avid AAX Native including AudioSuite (32/64bit)
- Steinberg VST 2.4 (32/64bit)
System Requirements Mac
- Apple Mac computer
- OSX 10.6.x or newer
- Intel CPU with at least 2 Cores
- Apple AU (AudioUnits), Steinberg VST 2.4 or Avid RTAS/AAX compatible Host software
- For AAX Native 32-bit, the minimum required Pro Tools version is 10.3.5
- Internet Connection for Software Activation (though not necessarily on the computer used for audio)
Home Page
发布日期: 2014-06-11