Easypano Modelweaver是一个功能强大使用方便的三维视频制作工具,可以快速创建造高品质的三维互动虚拟电影,并应用在产品、服装、手工艺品、收藏品、 古董及其它领域。它支持通过摄像机自动捕捉物体,可以将三维互动虚拟电影以java applet形式放在网上。
Easypano Modelweaver 3.00.090729 | 46.4 MB
Modelweaver is an easy-to-use, and powerful 3D object VR movie creating program, which can help the user to create high quality 3D, interactive VR object movies quickly. It can be used in the fields of products, garments, collections, arts and crafts, antiques and other objects they want to display vividly on the Internet or CD.
Main features of 3D object VR movie creating software Modelweaver
Capture object images automatically from your digital still cameras straight into your computer;
Capture video from your FireWire(tm)-enabled camcorder straight into your computer;
Enable you to edit, optimize and preview the your 3D object VR movies;
Create and publish your 3D object VR movies as Java applet embeded html pages, QTVR and Flash. View 3D object VR samples.
The Flash 3D object VR movies can be used in Tourweaver 3.00 and later version as popup 3D movies.
OS :
Windows XP/2003/vista/win7
: English
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发布日期: 2014-07-04