CG数据库 >> Red Giant Trapcode Suite v12.1.6 Win/MacOSX

Red Giant Trapcode Suite v12.1.6 Win/MacOSX的图片1对于Trapcode系列插件,相信用过AE的朋友们一定不会陌生。此Trapcode套装是专为行业标准而设计,功能一如既往的强大,能灵活创建美丽逼真的效果。同时该套装拥有更为强大的粒子系统、三维元素以及体积灯光,让你在AE里能够随心所欲地创建理想的3D场景。

包括以下插件:Suite includes;

TrapCode 3D Stroke

TrapCode EchoSpace

TrapCode Form

TrapCode Horizon

TrapCode Lux

TrapCode Mir

TrapCode Particular

TrapCode Shine

TrapCode Sound Keys

TrapCode StarGlow

Red Giant Trapcode Suite v12.1.6 (Win / Mac OS X) | 94.3 MB / 126 MB

Trapcode Suite 12 sets the industry bar with 10 tools for broadcast-ready effects and flexible 3D content. Its flagship product is Particular 2, a speedy 3D particle system with options for custom particles, particle shading and movement in 3D space. Form 2 merges particle generation with imported OBJ models, the all-new Mir creates a fast-rendering polygon mesh, and Shine generates volumetric light rays. Use Trapcode Suite to create high quality text titles, animated backgrounds and logo treatments with fast rendering and an affordable price tag.

What's New

New release! Trapcode Mir creates fast-rendering 3D design elements that respond beautifully to light, texture and depth, and is built on OpenGL rendering for super speed.

Bonus presets! Trapcode Suite now ships with two Guru Presets by David Vinson for Shine and Particular, giving you 105 bonus presets for broadcast-ready design.

Free Particular 2.2 update. Get new bonus features like unique particle emission for multiple lights, and a new Emitter mode that sets particle velocity from the RGB in a layer.

Free Form 2.0.4 update. This update fixes an issue with Time Remapping.

Free Lux 1.3.0 update.. This update adds dither for 8-bit and 16-bit modes in your favorite 3D lighting tool.

Free Echospace 1.1.2 update. This update is a maintenance release.

Suite includes;

TrapCode 3D Stroke

TrapCode EchoSpace

TrapCode Form

TrapCode Horizon

TrapCode Lux

TrapCode Mir

TrapCode Particular

TrapCode Shine

TrapCode Sound Keys

TrapCode StarGlow


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Red Giant Trapcode Suite v12.1.6 Win/MacOSX

发布日期: 2014-11-22