Maplesoft宣布了一项主要的新版本的旗舰产品Maple 17 ,技术计算软件工程师、数学家和科学家。 与Maple 17,Maplesoft介绍更多的计算工具和大量的增强致力于支持创建应用程序,包括超过400个新的命令,工程,数学和科学的解决问题。
17提供了众多的发展各种分支技术计算,推的前沿知识和Maple 的能力。 新功能包括开创性的成就在解决了一类全新的微分方程,主要的进步在解决方程系统,新的信号处理工具,扩大支持物理、统计、动态系统,和更多。
性能也得到了增强,以改善频繁调用的例程和算法以及在底层基础设施的内存管理。 一个例子是一个新的内存管理器,它利用多个处理器允许计算运行快10%,内存密集型计算平均运行速度提高了50%。 这些新的能力,客户可以解决更多问题,更快,Maple 17。
而计算引擎形式的心Maple 的技术,Maplesoft一直被认为是整个用户体验是很重要的,从第一个探索的一个新用户发展的强大的应用程序由经验丰富的客户。 Maple 17介绍了生产力的进一步发展,特别注重应用开发。
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新版本的Maple 承诺构建在该产品的坚实的历史和分析生产力强的计算能力。 新的连接器,更快的答案,一个新的信号处理方案,和一个更舒适的环境的快速计算和大规模的代码开发。
Maplesoft子公司一下系统有限公司在日本,是高性能的软件工具的领先供应商的工程、科学和数学。 其产品套件反映了哲学,赋予了伟大的工具,人们可以做伟大的事情。
Maplesoft的核心技术包括世界上最先进的符号计算引擎和革命性的物理建模技术。 组合在一起,这些技术使创造尖端工具设计、建模、和高性能的仿真。
Maplesoft的产品有助于减少错误,缩短设计时间,降低成本,提高效益。 工程师、科学家和数学家利用Maplesoft产品,使他们的工作更好、更快、更聪明。 Maplesoft的客户包括福特、宝马、博世、波音、NASA、加拿大太空署、佳能、摩托罗拉、微软研究院、彭博和梦工厂,覆盖行业,如汽车、航空航天、电子、国防、能源、金融服务、消费产品、和娱乐。 与丰田、Maplesoft成立了植物建模财团来推动发展新的设计技术,用于汽车、工业和相关产业。
announced a major new release of its flagship product, Maple, the technical computing software for engineers, mathematicians, and scientists. With Maple 17,
introduces more computation tools and a large collection of enhancements dedicated to supporting the creation of applications, includes over 400 new commands for mathematical, engineering, and scientific problem-solving.
Maple 17 offers numerous advancements in a variety of branches of technical computation that push the frontiers of knowledge and Maple’s capabilities. New functionality includes ground-breaking achievements in solving a whole new class of differential equations, major advancements in solving systems of equations, new signal processing tools, expanded support for physics, statistics, dynamic systems, and more.
Performance has also been enhanced with improvements to frequently called routines and algorithms as well as in the low-level infrastructure of memory management. One example is a new memory manager, which takes advantages of multiple processors to allow computations to run 10% faster on average, with memory-intensive computations running up to 50% faster. With these new abilities, customers can solve more problems, faster, with Maple 17.
While the computation engine forms the heart of Maple’s technology, Maplesoft has always considered the entire user experience to be important, from the first explorations by a new user to the development of powerful applications by experienced customers. Maple 17 introduces further productivity advancements, with special emphasis on application development.
Highlights include:
- A new advanced code editor to make algorithm development even easier for more complex applications
- An Embedded Video Component, for adding rich multimedia content to applications
- Improved command completion while using math notation
- Improvements to 2-D and 3-D visualizations
- New programming constructs to make it easier to write multi-threaded code for parallel execution
The new version of Maple promises to build on the product’s solid history of strong computational power and analytical productivity. With new solvers, faster answers, a new signal processing package, and an even more comfortable environment for quick calculations and large-scale code development.
About Maplesoft
Maplesoft, a subsidiary of Cybernet Systems Co., Ltd. in Japan, is the leading provider of high-performance software tools for engineering, science, and mathematics. Its product suite reflects the philosophy that given great tools, people can do great things.
Maplesoft’s core technologies include the world’s most advanced symbolic computation engine and revolutionary physical modeling techniques. Combined together, these technologies enable the creation of cutting-edge tools for design, modeling, and high-performance simulation.
Maplesoft’s products help to reduce errors, shorten design times, lower costs, and improve results. The Maplesoft product suite includes Maple™, the technical computing and documentation environment, and MapleSim™, the high-performance, multi-domain modeling and simulation tool for physical systems.
Engineers, scientists, and mathematicians use Maplesoft products to enable them to work better, faster, and smarter. Maplesoft’s customers include Ford, BMW, Bosch, Boeing, NASA, Canadian Space Agency, Canon, Motorola, Microsoft Research, Bloomberg, and DreamWorks, covering sectors such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, defense, energy, financial services, consumer products, and entertainment. With Toyota, Maplesoft founded the Plant Modeling Consortium to promote the development of new design techniques for automotive and related industries.
Maplesoft Maple
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发布日期: 2013-07-01