SQL Editor 是数据库编成工具,可以定义菜单并设计窗体来执行数据库查询、更新、删除等操作。
SQLEditor 3x | MacOSX | 60 MBSQLEditor is a tool that allows you to create SQL databases graphically.
You can create and edit table structures.
You can import and export designs to a JDBC compatible database, text files or save the designs as pdf images for the web or for print.
See your databases rather than just reading about them.
SQLEditor Features- Simple intuitive editing with cocoa interface- Object inspector to edit objects, displaying only relevant options- Live source view, which automatically updates as you edit the design- Supports major database systems including MySQL, SQLite, Oracle and Postgres- Reverse engineer existing databases into a diagram- Export diagrams to create a new database or modify an existing one- Create foreign keys with simple drag and drop, or create more complicated foreign keys with multiple columns- Connection highlighting shows you instantly which columns reference each other with color coding- Import SQL from other applications by pasting, export back by copying- Data type lists are dialect specific, only showing types you can actually use- Supports creating and editing Ruby on Rails migration and schema files- SQL file import allows you to import SQL text files and schema dumps- Export diagrams in multiple formats for web or print documents- Color code and label your objects, change label colors and all labelled objects update- Find system allows you to search database tables for a specific object- Object preflight to detect errors in design- Multiple print options to allow detail or summary printingRequire: OS X 10.6.8+-
发布日期: 2018-08-10