Boris Continuum Complete为After Effects视频图像合成、处理 、键控、着色、变形等提供了全面的解决方案,通过此插件可以制作出很多如火、雨、星等震撼级别的特效。
Continuum Complete
9.0.2 for After Effects x64 | 224MB
Boris Continuum Complete 9.0.2 for After Effects x64
Boris Continuum Complete 8 AE delivers the most comprehensive VFX plug-in suite ever created for Macintosh and Windows versions of Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro CS6, CS5.5, CS5, and CS4. A whopping 200+ filters include 3D particle effects, image restoration and touchup tools, true 3D lens flares and volumetric lighting effects, keys and mattes, extrusions, color grading tools, time-based effects, blurs, glows, and cinematic effects such as film glow, film grain, and film process looks. All filters take advantage of either multi-processing or OpenGL hardware acceleration for an interactive effects design experience.
发布日期: 2014-08-14