CG数据库 >> VFXLearning – Harry Potter Effects Part 2

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2 Case Study Videos MP4

Title: VFXLearning – Harry Potter Effects Parts 2


Students will be shattering and simulating Rigid Body Dynamics using PulldownIt, an advanced solver used in

production for the films John Carter of Mars, Harry Potter 7 & 8 amongst others. MEL Scripting, a

fundamental area of effects animation, will be covered and this will open a new world of possibilities for

controlling and adapting simulations. We will learn to use MEL to create dynamic rigs and to help deal with

repetitive tasks. As with any course in VFX Learning, we will analyze effects sequences from films, study

them and determine the most cost effective way to achieve similar looks. At the end of this level, students

will have a broad knowledge of the dynamics engine in Maya and overall FX procedures and techniques.

In the final stages of this intensive training series we will explore several production techniques used to

generate different types of water simulations both in RealFlow and Maya. The goal of this course is to not

only teach you how RealFlow operates, but also how to determine the best possible approach to complete the

work, we will take into consideration constraints such as budget, time, computer power and scale and use

this information to break down a series of shots and come up with the most cost effective and visually

interesting result.

发布日期: 2014-08-15