AfterShot Pro
。Corel fterShot Pro是一个快速,灵活的照片工作流程解决方案,结合了强大的照片管理,先进的非破坏性调整和完整RAW处理功能。
AfterShot Pro 功能:
提供多种无损式的照片修正工具,包括获奖的 Perfectly Clear 技术。
利用多核技术的高速批量输出,特别为 AMD 优化。
支持全部主流的 RAW 格式:RW, CR2, CRW, DCR, DNG, MRW, NEF, NRW, ORF, PEF, RAW, RW2, RWL, SR2。
Say hello to the world¿s fastest RAW photo-editing software.
Corel AfterShot Pro
2 is changing the way the world works with RAW, with 64-bit performance that¿s 30% faster than AfterShot Pro 1 and up to 4x faster than the competition. AfterShot Pro 2 is the best way to unlock the freedom and flexibility of shooting RAW. With unparalleled speed and power, and a sleek new interface, AfterShot Pro 2 is a RAW converter, non-destructive photo editor and complete high-speed photo manager in one. Whether you¿re batch processing thousands of RAW images,or making detailed adjustments to your latest prize-winning shot, AfterShot Pro 2 gives you the tools to quickly take complete control over every aspect of your photo workflow.
发布日期: 2014-08-15