CG数据库 >> Keyboard Maestro 6.4.7 MacOSX

Keyboard Maestro 6.4.7 MacOSX的图片1

Keyboard Maestro是目前 Mac 上功能最为丰富的键盘增强工具,它能将你的keyboard的作用发挥到极致,她能提供的服务不仅只要Hot Keys,像应用程序快速操作菜单(Palette),程序切换窗口,宏命令同步,脚本执行,剪切板切换窗口等功能都已经内置。

在Keyboard Maestro 里,它的所有功能都是由Marco实现,你可以将不同类型的Marcos归为到一组。除了Marcos ,它还有Trigger,Script和Action。

Keyboard Maestro 6.4x MacOSX | 24.41 Mb

Keyboard Maestro is your hot-key solution that allows you to perform a multitude of tasks simply by pressing a keystroke! It also incorporates the wildly popular MacOS Classic utility Program Switcher, which allows you to launch, switch, and quit applications with a simple keystroke.

Keyboard Maestro 6.4.7 MacOSX

发布日期: 2014-09-09