随着Apple 推出了下一代操作系统 Snow Leopard版,自然 Cocoatech公司也推出 Snow Leopard 专用版本的 Path Finder 了,其中 Finder 的程式语法更以 Cocoa 重新撰写来提升效能,不过,如果你早已受不了目前表现普普通通的 Finder,想体验 Cocoa 撰写的 Finder 那 Path Finder 你一定要试试看。
老牌软件,功能强大的档案管理、浏览、搬移工具,程序重新设计并针对 Mac OS X 10.
6 进行最佳化,现在有了新的图示与版本、崭新的操作界面及新功能。
如果你曾是 Windows 的进阶使用者,那你可能听过 Total Commander 这套软件, Path Finder 就像是这类型的软件,在 Windows 里以 Total Commander来取代资源管理器的日常操作,在苹果里就用 Path Finder 来取代 Finder 吧.
OSX 的档案管理设计已相当不俗,但 CocoaTech 相信 Path Finder 能令你的桌面工作更为轻松。
它的前身是 SNAX,是一个与系统中 Finder 相似的档案浏览器。
配合内置的 Unix 工具操作档案和 Aqua 用户界面,能浏览和管理硬盘里的档案、压缩和解压缩档案、图片格式转换、查看看不见的 Unix 档案和档案夹、安全地删除档案等, 以及颜色标签功能, 可预览图片和影片等档案,甚至让你轻易地建立Disk Image(磁盘镜像文件)。
Cocoatech Path Finder 8.x | MacOSX | 15 MBPath Finder offers the tools you need to access and manage your files quickly, accurately, and completely on OS X.
A world-class operating system deserves a world-class file manager.
Dive into a familiar interface packed with uncommonly powerful features and make your file system sing with Path Finder 6.
Path Finder is a file browser that combines the familiar Finder interface with the powerful utilities and innovative features.
For many Mac users, the Finder provides plenty of functionality.
But if you're looking for more powerful control over your files and desktop, Path Finder can be an attractive alternative.
This standalone file browser complements and improves on the Finder, with scores of useful integrated features.
The program lets you quickly access favorites; view the contents of almost any file in a preview drawer; and move files more easily using the Shelf and Drop Stack.
Other features include the capability to compress and decompress files; mount disk images; view invisible files, securely delete files, and work from the command line.
You can even put a Trash back on your desktop (and out of the Dock).
This latest version is only for Mac OS X 10.
6 or later, but adds several important new features.
If you want a little more control over files and folders, a better way to transfer files, and many other features, Path Finder is great utility for those using Mac OS X Snow Leopard or later.
Path Finder is an award-winning file browser and management application for Mac OS X.
If you've ever wished Apple's Finder just did feature X or feature Y, Path Finder may be what you've been looking for.
Path Finder is a standalone application that leverages what you already know about working with your files.
It takes the Finder's familiar interface and adds numerous powerful features and interface innovations to help anyone be more productive on Mac OS X.
OS - MacOSX 10.7 or Later-
发布日期: 2019-08-14