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MAXON Cinema 4D R16 Windows / Macosx的图片1



9月2号在德国的弗里德里希斯多夫 – MAXON今天正式发售

Cinema 4D Release 16 (R16)

, 下一代3D产业化软件。除了对工作流程数以百计的更新外,Cinema 4D还提供了如多边形笔‘超级工具’,轻松将3D元素插入实景拍摄视频的运动跟踪器,还有一个具有多图层控制功能和高光的全新反射通道。R16再一次体现了MAXON以为专业创新人士提供拥有稳定的性能、无以伦比的集成度、以及一目了然最优化界面工作流程的保证。

Cinema 4D R16功能的完整列表


MAXON将在2014年的IBC上,向世人展示Cinema 4D R16, 本届IBC将于2014年9月12号到16号在阿姆斯特丹的国际展览中心举行。MAXON的展台将在7号走廊,7号站台,39号。

“今天3D创作的高手们依靠着手中高效的工具来提高他们制作效率。”MAXON电脑的首席执行官Harald Egel说道(MAXON元老之一)。“Cinema 4D R16是MAXON强调专注于为3D设计工作提工作最棒、最快、最易软件解决方案的里程碑。

业界对Cinema 4D R16的称赞



CINEMA 4D R16可以通过MAXON或者其授权代理商购买。拥有有效期至2014年9月2号的MAXON服务协议(MSA)的客户将获得自动的升级。R16可以在Mac OS X或者Windows上使用。

MAXON Cinema 4D R16 Windows / Macosx的图片2

Cinema 4D是一套由德国公司Maxon Computer开发的三维绘图软件,以其高的运算速度和强大的渲染外挂著称。Cinema 4D应用广泛,在广告、电影、工业设计、等方面都有出色的表现,例如影片《毁灭战士》(Doom)、《范海辛》〈Van Helsing〉、《蜘蛛侠》、以及动画片《极地特快》、《丛林大反攻》(Open Season)等等。它正成为许多一流艺术家和电影公司的首选,Cinema 4D已经走向成熟。

CINEMA 4D是MAXON提供给专业3D设计师的完美工具.如果你想创建高级3D图形,而且需要一个工具来帮助你快速便捷地创建出令人惊叹的效果,那么CINEMA 4D将是你的首选.

MAXON Cinema 4D R16 Windows / Macosx的图片3


Cinema 4D R16

| 562.3 mb

MAXON announced the immediate availability of Cinema 4D Release 16 (R16), the next generation release of the company’s industry-leading 3D software. In addition to countless workflow enhancements, Cinema 4D R16 delivers powerful new features including a modeling PolyPen ‘super-tool’, a Motion Tracker for easily integrating 3D content within live footage and a Reflectance material channel for multi-layered reflections and specularity. Release 16 reinforces MAXON’s commitment to provide creative professionals with stability, performance, unmatched integration, and a straightforward interface to optimize any workflow.

Complete list of features in Cinema 4D R16:

MAXON Cinema 4D R16 Windows / Macosx的图片4

About this release:

- MAXON Cinema 4D R16 Rip

What's Included: Libraries are ripped. Help is ripped. You can update Cinema4D via the updater, it will grab both the 4GB Libraries for the Browser and the help files. Otherwise, this is the full version plus License Server, Commandline, and Bodypaint 3D.

About MAXON Computer

Headquartered in Germany, MAXON Computer is a developer of industry-leading professional 3D modeling, painting, animation and rendering solutions. Its award-winning CINEMA 4D and BodyPaint 3D software products have been used extensively to help create everything from stunning visual effects in top feature films, TV shows and commercials to cutting-edge game cinematics for AAA games, medical illustration, and architectural and industrial design applications. MAXON has offices in Germany, USA, United Kingdom, France, Japan and Singapore. MAXON products are available directly from MAXON and its worldwide distribution and reseller channel.

MAXON Cinema 4D R16 Windows / Macosx的图片5


MAXON Cinema 4D







Windows / MacOsx


562.3 mb

发布日期: 2014-09-07