CG数据库 >> Xamarin Studio 5.5 MacOSX

Xamarin Studio 5.5 MacOSX的图片1

Xamarin Studio是一个用C#语言开发跨平台应用的集成开发环境,它和iOS以及Android SDK紧密整合。Xamarin Studio提供了很多现代开发所需功能,包括代码完成、调试器、打包和发布应用(支持通过TestFlight发布应用程序)。对于Android,Xamarin还包含了自己的UI生成器(对于iOS,则使用苹果Xcode的UI生成器),此外还集成了Git和Subversion。开发者可以使用Xamarin Studio在模拟器和真机上对移动应用进行测试和bug调试。Xamarin Studio能够完美支持Windows和Mac。

Xamarin还提供了for vs2010 vs2012的插件,这个是比较吸引人的地方。该插件可以很好地与微软的生态系统集成,可以在Mac OS机器的仿真器上进行远程调试和测试。在Mac OS上,因为iOS的现有限制,面向iOS的C#代码会通过AOT编译技术直接编译为ARM汇编代码。而在Android上,应用程序会转换为IL,启动时再进行JIT编译。


市面上已经出现了很多基于Xamarin Studio的第三方工具。

Xamarin Studio 5.5 + Xam.Mac, Xam.iOS, Xam.Android 4.18.0-34 (Mac OS X) | 750 MB

We created Xamarin because we knew that there must be a better way to create mobile applications. We are developers, so that we know what they want developers: a modern programming language, powerful, effective and amazing workflow and the ability to create better applications. Our mission - to allow you to create great mobile applications fast, easy and fun.

Create native iOS, Android, Mac and Windows apps in C#.

Our mission - to allow create great mobile applications fast, easy and fun. Qty.

Information : Xamarin.Mac for installation requires a license, so we put repack. Original present.

Android SDK is NOT included in the distribution. Can be set via XamarinInstaller.dmg ~ 900Mb installer feature - Include "analog" resharpera (still under development): Text Editor - Source Analysis - Enable source analysis of open files

System Requirements : Intel only OS X 10.8 or later, Xcode 5 or later

What's New :

Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version


error MT9999: Invalid license.

Remove traces of previous licenses:

~ / Library / Xamarin.Mac / License

~ / Library / MonoAndroid / License.v2

~ / Library / MonoTouch / License.v2

发布日期: 2014-10-11