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BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 6.0.8 Multilingual MacOSX的图片1

BenVista PhotoZoom Pro




通常的软件在放大或缩小图片时,总会降低图片的品质,而 PhotoZoom Pro 使用了最新的

S-Spline Max

技术,这是一种拥有自动调节、高级插值算法的专利技术,可以尽可能地提高放大或缩小时的图片的品质,此外还支持 S-Spline XL、S-Spline、Lanczos、双立方插值、B-Spline、Catmull-Rom、Mitchell、Bell、Hermite、双线性插值、最近逼近法等放大算法。

PhotoZoom Pro 的最大特色是可以对图片进行放大或缩小而没有锯齿、较少失真,新版增加了很多功能,包括增强的 S-Spline Max 算法、增强的图片格式支持、多处理器支持、GPU 加速、Windows 8 和 Photoshop CS6 支持等。

BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 6.0.2 Mac OS X | 10.5 MB

BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 6 is world's number one software solution for enlarging and downsizing digital photos and graphics. PhotoZoom Pro 6 not only creates larger images than any other software (up to 1 million by 1 million pixels), it also produces higher quality results. PhotoZoom Pro 6 is equipped with S-Spline Max, a unique, patented image resize technology which excels at preserving clean edges, sharpness, and fine details.

BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 6.0.8 Multilingual MacOSX的图片2

System requirements

OS X 10.9 (Mavericks), 10.8 (Mountain Lion), 10.7 (Lion), or 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

1 GB internal memory

60 MB free hard disk space

The PhotoZoom Pro 6 Automation and Export plug-ins are both compatible with:

Adobe Photoshop CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3

Adobe Photoshop Elements 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 6

and should also work with other programs that are compatible with Adobe® Photoshop® plug-ins.


发布日期: 2016-05-26