CG数据库 >> HDL Works HDL Desing Entry EASE 8.3 R5 for Windows/Linux

HDL Works HDL Desing Entry EASE 8.3 R5 for Windows/Linux的图片1

EASE提供了两全其美的图形或文本为基础的HDL输入让您选择。您不需要Verilog或VHDL。当你创建一个新的设计,只需输入您的使用您的图形和文字组合的设计。 EASE自动生成你所选择的语言 – VHDL或Verilog HDL代码优化。行业标准的版本控制环境处理,使多个用户同时工作在一个EASE项目的设计和配置管理。

HDL Works HDL Desing Entry EASE v8.x for Windows/Linux

EASE offers the best of both worlds with your choice of graphical or text based HDL entry. You don’t need to be a master of either Verilog or VHDL. When you're creating a new design, just enter your design using your mix of graphics and text. EASE automatically generates optimized HDL code for you in the selected language - VHDL or Verilog. Industry standard version control environments deal with design and configuration management enabling multiple users to work simultaneously on one EASE project.



发布日期: 2016-09-01