Mediachance Photo-Reactor是一款内置了大量特效,拥有类似于思维导图的图片处理流程的特效图片编辑处理工具,让你每一次使用的特效和对照片做出的处理都会在下面的操作面板中显示出来并且允许你通过导线连接的方式任意的组合这些操作!Mediachance Photo-Reactor (x86/x64) | 22.5/23.0 MBFinally an image editor for 21st century! Photo-Reactor is a brand new highly optimized dynamic image editor and effect processor with absolutely unlimited possibilities and fantastic effects.
Applying one static effects after another is so last century.
Instead everything you do in Reactor is fully dynamic, always ready to be tweaked or rearranged.
OS :Microsoft® Windows® 7, Windows 8, Vista or XP (32-bit or 64-bit editions)Language: English-
发布日期: 2018-09-21