CG数据库 >> Veescope Live 2.1.8 MacOsX

Veescope Live 2.1.8  MacOsX的图片1

Veescope Live是一款能提供视觉反馈的实时视频源调色抠像软件。作为硬件成本的一小部分控制,Veescope Live提供了实时控制chroma keying,Quicktime的视频导出,数码照片的导入和导出,Final Cut Pro XML的导出和录音。

此外,Veescope Live与任何的QuickTime视频输入源皆可协调工作,例如DV,HDV,DVC Pro HD,甚至是HD capture card。

它包括一个全分辨率的HD波形监视器、RGB Parade和Vectorscope。同时允许Veescope被作为一个独立的即时键控器使用。

Veescope Live 2.1.8 | Mac Os X | 13.3 MB

Veescope Live is the ultimate live video production tool. It can turn any Intel MacIntosh into a real-time chroma keyer. It displays real-time video scopes (Waveform, Vectorscope, RGB Parade), audio meters, high and low video level Zebra patterns, and more. It even lets you record directly to your computer's hard drive. Veescope Live supports a wide range of video formats, such as HDV, DVCPro HD, and DV straight from your camera's firewire port. With the addition of a Quicktime compatible capture card, Veescope Live can wide range HD and SD video sources.

System Requirements

Mac OS X 10.5 or higher.

发布日期: 2013-07-19