CG数据库 >> (艺术大师Zbrush恐龙雕刻教程)ZbrushWorkshops Dinosaur Sculpting with David Krentz

(艺术大师Zbrush恐龙雕刻教程)ZbrushWorkshops Dinosaur Sculpting with David Krentz的图片1

由ZBrushWorkshops官方出品的ZbrushWorkshops Dinosaur Sculpting with David Krentz 教程,艺术大师Zbrush恐龙雕刻教程。大小:5.0G,时长:9周,语言:英语,作者:David Krentz,教程价值:329$


(艺术大师Zbrush恐龙雕刻教程)ZbrushWorkshops Dinosaur Sculpting with David Krentz的图片2

作者David Krentz是造型设计和视觉效果开发总监、艺术家。曾经梦想成为一名古生物学家。为了让恐龙复活,迪斯尼公司邀请了许多这方面的专家来进行科学研究,获得了大量信息,Krentz一方面绘制了真实的恐龙形象,另一方面也创作了恐龙的漫画形象。他说:“我觉得造型应该轻松一点,这毕竟是一部迪斯尼公司的影片,而且它是动画造型。”他从顶部、正面、侧面和后面分别绘制了草图,这些草图经过扫描再进入Alias|Wavefront的Power Animator,以便3D模型的制作人员使用。Krentz 的工作,有效地提高了他们的速度。此外,Krentz还为恐龙绘制了皮肤的材质。


Learn to sculpt dinosaurs in ZBrush with dino sculpting master and industry veteran, David Krentz! David will take you through over 30 hours of lectures on everything from the foundations of dinosaur anatomy, through the difficult task of texturing these long-extinct animals. Sculpt 4 different dinosaurs, including the T-Rex, and learn the essential skills you need to take your creature and animal sculpting to the next level…

By the time you’re done with this course, you’ll know more about dinosaur anatomy then just muscle and bone. You will know how dinosaurs moved, how their bodies were affected by their harsh environment, and get cutting-edge insight into the mysteries of ancient reptilian life.

By the time you’re done, you’ll also know more about skin than just alphas and custom brushes. You’ll understand the flow of reptilian skin, you’ll know the similarities between dinosaurs and modern reptilian and avian life, and you’ll have what you need to be an expert sculptor of scales, skin, and scoutes.

David Krentz combines real-world scientific knowledge with master-level sculpting and modeling to make some of today’s most realistic CG dinosaurs. Register today and learn to do the same!

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发布日期: 2013-07-19