简单地删除或重新格式化您的硬盘驱动器可能是不够的,以防止敏感数据落入坏人之手。 Paragon Disk Wiper提供技术资源和全面擦拭工具,以保障您的个人身份或公司的商业秘密!
Paragon Disk Wiper 是一款文件彻底删除工具。它可以快速有效的删除整个硬盘,某个分区,或者部分文件,而且删除的内容不会被文件恢复工具所恢复。
Paragon Disk Wiper是最好的计算机活动痕迹安全擦除软件。当你归还租借的计算机担心暴露自己的隐私时,或者当你捐献自己的旧计算机时,抑或你要把自己的机子送人,或者你的公司或你的父母每周都要检查你在计算机上的活动,尽管你已经删除了很多数据,单临时文件、配置文本、注册表或存贮介质的工作组织都会让你暴露。 所以你需要这个软件。
只需要运行Paragon Disk Wiper并且选择一个硬盘分区(整个分区或整个硬盘或仅仅空余空间),然后开始擦除,你就可以完全放心了,你的个人隐私已经被完全擦掉了。这个软件可以擦掉所有分区、文件夹、目录、文件、文件表、动态驱动器已经主引导区的信息,甚至隐藏在主引导区的病毒。
Paragon Disk Wiper 可以安全删除计算机的所有使用记录,支持覆盖分区或整个硬盘、支持超过80G的大硬盘、支持IDE/ATA和SCSI硬盘,新功能包括:IE、Netscape、Opera浏览器的历史记录、Cookie、缓存等清理,ICQ、AOL Microsoft Messenger、Yahoo Messengers聊天记录清理等等。
Paragon Disk Wiper 15 Professional (x86/x64) | 106.5/201.9 MB
Irreversibly destroy all on-disk data providing maximum level of security. Simply erasing or reformatting your hard disk drive may not be enough to prevent your sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands. Disk Wiper Professional provides skilled resources and comprehensive wiping tools to safeguard your personal identity or company trade secrets!
Paragon Disk Wiper Professional allows you to:
- Completely erase a whole hard disk, a separate partition or just clean free space.
- Irreversibly destroy all on-disk data easily and quickly, so it cannot be recovered with any present-day technology.
- Quickly and efficiently sanitize the hard disks in order to protect valuable business information and also because there is, in the most countries, a legal obligation to do so.
Key Features and Benefits of Disk Wiper Professional:
- New Support for Window 8
- Comprehensive wiping
- New Ten different disk sanitization methods support
- New powerful Paragon`s algorithm
- Extreme customization option
- Efficient operation
- Simple Wizard-driven engine
- User friendly interface
- Basic partitioning operations
- Wipe report with extended hardware and system information
- Logging of bad blocks (corrupted sectors)
- Support for the latest HDD standards
- Any hard disk or flash memory drive support
- Comprehensive file system support
- Windows Blue Screen Module support
- WinPE based Wiping Media*
Most Recent changes in Paragon Disk Wiper Professional:
- Support for Window 8 & 8.1 (New!)
- Ten different disk sanitization methods support (New!)
- Support of large IDE, SCSI, SATA and New GPT/uEFI-formatted hard disks, USB 1.0, USB 2.0, USB 3.0 flash memory drives. (New!)
- WinPE based Wiping Media* (Update!)
OS :
Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (32/64 Bit)
: English
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发布日期: 2014-12-03