CG数据库 >> EJ Technologies Install4j MultiPlatform Edition 6.1.2 Windows/MacOSX/Linux

EJ Technologies Install4j MultiPlatform Edition 6.1.2 Windows/MacOSX/Linux的图片1

Install4j 是一款功能强大的多平台Java安装程序创建器可以产生自安装程序和应用程序装载器用于Java应用程序。 install4j的易于使用,它的扩展平台支持和其强大的屏幕和动作系统都是其所擅长的。

EJ Technologies Install4j MultiPlatform Edition 6.x (Windows/MacOSX/Linux) | 27.6/27.5/27.4/39.8 MB

install4j is a powerful multi-platform Java installer builder that generates native installers and application launchers for Java applications. install4j excels in its ease of use, its extensive platform support and its powerful screen and action system.

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发布日期: 2016-07-31