This unique drum kit library begins with a simple, efficient acoustic 6-piece drum kit. It's your all-around basic stereo jazz set, with kick, 14" snare, 10" snare, floor tom, mid and high toms, hi-hats, ride-crash, large and small splashes. This fully playable and functional drum kit offers a warm sound, with 12 round-robin variations per layer and fully responsive dynamic layering. Built into an easy to use preset with tons of built-in FX options, this by itself can serve as a great “plug and play” drum kit instrument for just about any style of music.
But that’s just where we get started. From that raw essence, we’ve used all manner of strange and mysterious sound design tricks, hacks and evil science to build a killer collection of 15 complete special FX drum kits, exploring decayed, demolished, destroyed and generally degenerated percussion sounds. We take you from lo-fi retro-lounge combos, to brutally overblown and shredded death kits, to crisply stuttering glitch kits and beyond.
Release: Soundiron.Grit.Kit.KONTAKT.SCD.DVDR-SONiTUS
DATE: 12.2014
发布日期: 2014-12-20