CG数据库 >> TreeDBNotes Pro 4.37.02 Multilingual

TreeDBNotes Pro 4.37.02 Multilingual的图片1

TreeDBNotes Pro 是个功能强大,且易于使用的个人数据库程序,可用于保存密码、个人信息,制作电子书籍,文字处理等,并具有加密功能。非常著名的PKM(个人知识管理)软件,以树的形式组建和分类自己的个人知识库,并可以制作成EXE电子书发布。

TreeDBNotes Pro信息管理器包括一个日记管理器,联系人,密码和任务管理器以及日历,便签,闹钟,提醒等其他实用的功能.方便的导入和导出功能便于与其他程序数据同步.密码保护,加密和备份将保证数据安全.体积小巧,便于携带,多语言支持和良好的用户将界面将使它随时成为您的朋友和助手.

TreeDBNotes Pro可以在文档中任意插入附件、图片,随意复制网页、WORD中的格式式样(包括图片等等),并且可以把你的知识库随意以WORD格式(DOC、RTF等)、HTML网页、TXT、CSV等等格式互相转换、导入、导出(Features: Search, Replace, History, Case options, Insert file/ link/ image/ time/ date/ symbols/ table / html table. Import from txt, wri, rtf, TreePad, CSV, Excel, Word, html, Palm Doc (PDB, PRC) and more. Export to txt, html, wri, doc, Palm Doc (PDB, PRC) and more...



TreeDBNotes Pro 4.xMultilingual | 10.7 Mb

TreeDBNotes Pro is a powerful and easy-to-use personal database program, PIM, Word Processor, Alarm & Reminders, Contacts and Passwords manager, e-Book maker with Tree Structure, advanced encryption and password protection. Features: Search, Replace, History, Case options, Insert file/ link/ image/ time/ date/ symbols/ table / html table. Import from txt, wri, rtf, TreePad, CSV, Excel, Word, html, Palm Doc (PDB, PRC) and more. Export to txt, html, wri, doc, Palm Doc (PDB, PRC) and more. TreeDBNotes Pro stores and represents your information in a comfortable and clear tree-structured form. Each node in such 'tree' represents an associated note, so you can store many mostly independent notes in one notebook. With any note you can perform the main Word pad-like text-formatting functions (font and paragraph styles, tables, images...).

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TreeDBNotes Pro 4.37.02 Multilingual

发布日期: 2014-12-24