CG数据库 >> Apple Logic Pro X 10.4.2 Multilingual MacOSX

包含语言:英语,汉语,法语,德语,日语,西班牙语Logic Pro X 是有史以来最高级的 Logic 版本。


Logic Pro X 包含种类多样的乐器、效果和循环,形成了一个完整的工具包,可让您创作无比动听的音乐。

强大的全新界面• 借助 Track Stack 来整合并控制多个轨道,或创建种类丰富、层次分明的乐器• 使用 Smart Control 一步便可处理多个插件和参数• 使用增强的混音器来更有效率地移动、拷贝和旁通通道条插入• 使用编配标记,来快速重新排列乐曲章节的顺序,并尝试新的想法• 自动存储让您的作品安全无忧• 在采用全新绕排视图的乐谱编辑器中查看和编辑更多演奏专业的音乐制作• 借助 Flex Pitch 来修正不协调的声乐,并更改已录制音频的旋律• 使用 Flex Time 轻松处理任意录音的时序和速度• 录制并无缝设定一个或多个轨道的入点和出点• 使用汇整折叠夹来整理汇整并通过快速扫动伴奏来快速构建伴奏• 即时录制任何通道条或插件参数的自动化• 在 iPad 上使用 Logic Remote 在房间的任意位置创建并混音音乐• 64 位架构支持包含数百个轨道和采样乐器的大型项目鼓乐制作• 使用 Drummer(虚拟的演奏者)来创建随乐曲而弹奏的鼓轨道• 选择 15 个特色分明的 Drummer 中的任意一个,每个都能按照您的指挥演奏数以百万计的独特音乐轨道• 通过 Drum Kit Designer,您可以使用各种经过深度采样以及专业混音的小军鼓、嗵嗵鼓、脚鼓、竖钹和铙钹来构建自己的套鼓• 使用 Ultrabeat 创作电子鼓音序键盘与合成器• 通过自动琶音器将简单的和弦立即转换成精彩的演奏• 使用九种 MIDI 插件,简单的想法也可变为精工细作的演奏• 使用 Retro Synth 来创建经典的 70 年代和 80 年代风格的合成器轨道• 使用 Vintage B3、Vintage Electric Piano 和 Vintage Clav 弹奏古典键盘的仿真模型• 一系列提供模拟、波表、调频和物理建模合成的合成器,能极大地激发您的灵感• 使用 EXS24 采样器来弹奏或创建各种采样丰富的乐器吉他和贝司设备• 通过 Amp Designer 使用古典与现代放大器、音箱和麦克风来构建自己的吉他或贝司设备• 使用一系列延迟、失真和调制踏脚转盘来设计自定义的踏板• 只需点按一下即可访问调音器来快速合调创意和制作效果• 使用 Space Designer 回旋混响器来通过逼真的原声空间播放声音• 使用一系列多拍子、老式磁带和立体声延迟效果• 使用各种调制效果给轨道添加运动效果• 借助多种均衡器、力度变化和其他混音工具来获得完美的混音• 使用一系列母带录制插件为您的项目添上点睛之笔声音资源库• 超过 1500 个乐器和效果 Patch• 800 多个采样乐器• 30 个都市和电子鼓乐器 Patch• 3600 个 Apple Loops,分为现代都市和电子类型兼容性• 使用与 Audio Unit 兼容的第三方插件来扩展您的乐器和效果资源库• 导入并导出 XML 以支持 Final Cut Pro X 工作流程• 导出您的乐曲并直接分享到 SoundCloud• 打开 Logic 5 或更高版本的项目最低系统要求4GB 内存具有 1280 x 768 或更高分辨率的显示器OS X v10.8.4 或更高版本要求 64 位 Audio Unit 插件最低 5GB 磁盘空间。

通过应用程序内下载,可获取 35GB 的可选内容。

Apple Logic Pro X 10.x Mac Os X | 628 MBLanguages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, SpanishLogic Pro X is the most advanced version of Logic ever.

Sophisticated new tools for professional songwriting, editing, and mixing are built around a modern interface that’s designed to get creative results quickly and also deliver more power whenever it’s needed.

Logic Pro X includes a massive collection of instruments, effects, and loops, providing a complete toolkit to create amazing-sounding music.

Powerful New Interface• Consolidate and control multiple tracks or create rich, layered instruments with Track Stacks• Smart Controls allow you to manipulate multiple plug-ins and parameters with a single move• An enhanced Mixer lets you move, copy, and bypass channel inserts more efficiently• Quickly re-order song sections and try new ideas using Arrangement Markers• Autosave keeps your work safe and sound• See and edit more of your performances in the Score editor with a new wrapped viewProfessional Music Production• Fix out-of-tune vocals and change the melodies of recorded audio with Flex Pitch• Manipulate the timing and tempo of any recording with ease using Flex Time• Record and seamlessly punch in and out of one or multiple tracks• Keep takes organized with take folders and build comps quickly with Quick Swipe Comping• Record automation for any channel strip or plug-in parameter on the fly• Create and mix music from anywhere in the room using Logic Remote on iPad• 64-bit architecture supports large projects containing hundreds of tracks and sampled instrumentsDrum Production• Create drum tracks that play with your song using Drummer, a virtual session player• Choose among 15 distinct drummers that can take your direction and perform millions of unique grooves• Build your own kit with Drum Kit Designer using a diverse collection of deeply sampled, professionally mixed snares, toms, kicks, hi-hats, and cymbals• Produce electronic drum sequences with UltrabeatKeyboards and Synths• Instantly turn a simple chord into a rich performance with the Arpeggiator• Transform simple ideas into elaborate performances using nine MIDI plug-ins• Create classic ’70s- and ’80s-style synthesizer tracks using Retro Synth• Play faithful models of vintage keyboards with Vintage B3, Vintage Electric Piano, and Vintage Clav• Get inspired by a collection of synths that provide analog, wavetable, FM, and physical modeling synthesis• Play or create a wide variety of rich sampled instruments with the EXS24 SamplerGuitar and Bass Gear• Build your own guitar or bass rig with Amp Designer using vintage and modern amps, cabinets, and mics• Design a custom Pedalboard from a collection of delay, distortion, and modulation stompboxes• Access the Tuner with just a click to quickly get in tuneCreative and Production Effects• Play your sounds through realistic acoustic spaces using Space Designer convolution reverb• Use a range of multi-tap, vintage tape, and stereo delays• Add movement to your tracks with a variety of modulation effects• Get the perfect mix with a variety of EQs, dynamics, and other mixing tools• Put the finishing touch on your project using a collection of mastering plug-insSound Library• Over 1500 instrument and effect Patches• More than 800 sampled instruments• 30 urban and electronic drum machine Patches• 3600 Apple Loops in modern urban and electronic genresCompatibility• Expand your instrument and effects library with third-party Audio Units-compatible plug-ins• Import and export XML to support Final Cut Pro X workflows• Export and share your songs directly to SoundCloud• Open projects from Logic 5 or laterMinimum System Requirements4GB of RAMDisplay with 1280-by-768 resolution or higherOS X v10.8.4 or laterRequires 64-bit Audio Units plug-insMinimum 5GB of disk space.

35GB of optional content available via in-app download.

Requirements:OS X 10.8.4 or later, 64-bit processor

Apple Logic Pro X 10.4.2 Multilingual MacOSX的图片1
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发布日期: 2016-01-19