作为 iOS 和 Mac 系统上最优秀的 RSS 阅读器客户端之一,
一直是首选!也是每天必用的APP,它拥有精致的界面和舒适的交互,支持 iPhone、iPad 和 OS X,作者力求在每个平台上都有最佳的阅读体验。
Reeder 2 for Mac / iOS 支持本地RSS订阅,也可以支持 Feedly、Feedbin 等在线RSS阅读服务的帐号同步。在发布 Reeder 2 for iOS 的版本更新之后,作者终于为翘首以盼的 Mac 用户们带来了 Reeder 2 for Mac 正式版了!如果习惯 RSS 订阅网站新闻,想要一款优雅的阅读器,那么必须试试它……
Reeder 2.x | MacOSX | 6 MB
Reeder is back, now with support for multiple services like
- Feedbin
- Feedly
- Feed Wrangler
- Fever
- FeedHQ
- Inoreader
- NewsBlur
- Minimal Reader
- The Old Reader
- BazQux Reader
- Readability.
Don't want to use a third-party service? Reeder now also supports local/standalone RSS (no sync).
Other features:
- Themes
- Gestures
- Customizable shortuts
Sharing services:
- Safari Reading List
- QUOTE.fm Read
- Buffer
- Readability
- Instapaper
- Evernote
- MarsEdit
- Pinboard
- Delicious
- App.net
- Messages
What's New in Version 2.5.2
- Failed authentication error handling
- Various minor bugfixes/changes for Yosemite
发布日期: 2015-02-22