CG数据库 >> 猩猩角色雕刻教程 The Gnomon Workshop Sculpting a Stylized Character with David Meng

猩猩角色雕刻教程 The Gnomon Workshop Sculpting a Stylized Character with David Meng的图片1本视频教程是由Gnomon机构出品的The Gnomon Workshop Sculpting a Stylized Character with David Meng教程,个性化猩猩角色雕刻教程,时长:2小时30分,大小:2.20G,格式:MOV高清视频格式,作者:David Meng,教程释放时间:2013年7月24日,语言:英语。教程价值:49$

在这张DVD,生物设计师David Meng指导你通过他的雕刻和程式化的特点设计过程模型。开始与电枢装配和阻挡,他展示了他的方法,建立一个刚性的,但仍然灵活,基础上的他将建立自己的雕塑。在这个阶段,他开始添加粘土开始定义自己的“程式化的“红毛猩猩角色的形式,而所有叙述具体的解剖和创造性的选择他作为他建立形式。他然后与工具开始微调的雕塑,形成褶皱和精炼的形式移动到前的细节相。在这个阶段,他演示了如何塑造皮肤的皱纹和毛孔,以及如何处理一个字符长的毛皮。完成时,David Meng创造了一个高度可信的,个性化的红毛猩猩的解释。

猩猩角色雕刻教程 The Gnomon Workshop Sculpting a Stylized Character with David Meng的图片2

猩猩角色雕刻教程 The Gnomon Workshop Sculpting a Stylized Character with David Meng的图片3

猩猩角色雕刻教程 The Gnomon Workshop Sculpting a Stylized Character with David Meng的图片4

猩猩角色雕刻教程 The Gnomon Workshop Sculpting a Stylized Character with David Meng的图片5

猩猩角色雕刻教程 The Gnomon Workshop Sculpting a Stylized Character with David Meng的图片6

In this DVD, Creature Designer David Meng guides you through his process of designing and sculpting a stylized character maquette. Beginning with the armature assembly and block out, he demonstrates his method for building up a rigid, yet still flexible, base onto which he will build up his sculpture. At this stage, he begins to add clay to begin defining the forms of his “stylized” orangutan character, all the while narrating specific anatomical and creative choices he makes as he builds up the forms. He then moves in with tools to begin fine tuning the sculpture, creating folds and refining forms before moving into the detailing phase. In this phase, he demonstrates how to sculpt skin wrinkles and pores, as well as how to handle long fur on a character. When finished, David creates a highly believable, yet stylized interpretation of an orangutan.

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发布日期: 2013-07-29